The 6 best digital marketing
blogs to follow in 2021

The simple truth is this: In the ever-changing digital landscape, what works today might not work tomorrow.

It’s no secret that digital marketing has significantly altered the online landscape. As new technology is developed and major disruptors continue to influence digital marketing’s evolution, marketing strategies must constantly grow and evolve in order to stay relevant.

The key to delivering the best ROI is to stay abreast of the latest updates and trends in our field by adopting a student mentality. The most successful digital marketers dedicate time each week to staying ahead of the curve and understanding what works. But finding time to stay up to date with the dizzying array of algorithm updates, emerging technology, and the latest consumer data can seem nearly impossible for even the most veteran marketer.

To help, we’ve put together the following list of the 6 best digital marketing blogs to help you stay up to date with the latest SEO news and digital trends in 2021.

Read on for some incredible marketing content, prepare to bookmark most of them and see if your favorite digital marketing blog made the list. If not, please share your suggestion in the comments below – we’re always hungry for meaty marketing content, and we can’t wait to see what you’re reading, too.

1. Moz Blog - Step-by-step how-to guides to help you learn SEO

The Moz blog, better known for its SEO toolset, is a blog that covers all topics related to search and inbound marketing. The blog gathers industry experts who contribute their experiences, advice, insights, how-tos and much more. It’s one of the best platforms to get the latest news about online marketing. The site includes proven insights on earning customers through winning search strategies.

2. Content Marketing Institute - Content strategy & blogging best practice

The Content Marketing Institute is the leading organization on global content marketing education and training. It helps brands attract and retain customers through compelling and multi-channel storytelling. Naturally, its blog provides only the best ideas and expertise for content marketers every day. Its site has custom research and touches on topics like building your audience, measurement and overall industry news. CMI provides strategies from the greatest content marketers out there and is a must-read for anyone looking to get the industry’s best advice.

3. Neil Patel - Tactical resources on how to get things done

Neil Patel is one of the top marketers in the world who has built successful companies of his own such as KISSMetrics and CrazyEgg plus has consulted with several Fortune 100 brands. He possesses a level of marketing expertise unmatched by most of the industry. If you’re looking for actionable insights that can help drive results for your marketing program, look no further than Neil’s blog. His posts feature engaging content, primarily in video and podcast format that are useful regardless of where you’re at from a marketing standpoint.

4. Hubspot - Inbound marketing

HubSpot is the marketing automation company that invented inbound marketing. For those unfamiliar with the term, it’s the business strategy of attracting customers through valuable content. Naturally, Agility have modeled their solutions from Hubspot learnings. Additionally, meeting Founders Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah at the Global Hubspot Conference in 2018 was a huge career highlight for Agility Digital Co-Founder Jeremy Robertshaw. 

A big part of the Hubspot strategy is creating valuable blog content on almost every topic imaginable from a marketing standpoint. As a result, HubSpot’s blog is read by millions of marketers daily and is a go-to source for anyone looking to learn the most cutting-edge strategies.

5. Backlinko - Actionable SEO tips, strategies and case studies

Backlinko is a site founded by Brian Dean designed to give marketers the strategies and techniques to get higher rankings. His blog focuses exclusively on SEO and traffic-related tips to help marketers improve organic search traffic. In fact, he claims to offer new subscribers the same tips he used to double traffic in two weeks. All of his posts contain comprehensive guides to help marketers know everything they could ever need around a particular topic.

6. Agility digital - All things Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a fast-moving industry, and it is important to keep learning in order to stay relevant and keep on top of technological developments and trends. The team at Agility Digital are constantly updating and improving our knowledge so that we can provide our clients with the very best advice. With that in mind, we trawl the internet every week to obtain the most up-to-date news and information on all things digital marketing and then share those insights with our clients and readers.

We’re passionate about educating our clients to make the best possible use of the digital tools at their disposal. So, if you would like any information about how to grow your business through improved digital technology, please book in a free consultation by using the link below or emailing us at . We would love to learn about your business goals and challenges.


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