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digital technology for
allied health professionals

meeting the challenges to our healthcare system
through digital technology 

If there is one common complaint from healthcare professionals we have worked with, it is that staff across all levels of our healthcare system are overtaxed and time-poor.   

At Agility Digital, we believe that many of the stresses associated with these challenges can be alleviated through digital technology. And we are not alone.  

In fact, one of the findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality identified technology reform as crucial to delivering a new and improved care system. You only need to look at Federal & State government investment in digital education & training to recognise that digital capability will be the key to future success.  

How digital technology can work for you?

Digital technology can be employed to dramatically improve a range of workflows in your organisation.  And one of the most important pieces of software that you can invest in is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool 

A CRM will make it easier for your staff to organise, track and analyse patient data as well as communications between physicians, specialists, departments and facilities. By streamlining referral communications, physicians can support patients in receiving better integrated care. 

What are the benefits of a CRM?

Patient Information Management

Speed up patient service and ease administrative workload through automated information management. 

Patient Segmentation

Segment patients by demographics, psychographics or high risk health issuess so they can be targeted for health campaigns or procedures.

referrals management

Coordinate the delivery of care to patients across departments and locations. Manage and track relationships with physicians that refer business.

Back-office Integration

Integrate with back office systems to reduce duplicate record keeping, and ensure consistency across patient records.

Improve Efficiency through Automation

One of the greatest tools at your disposal through CRM software is the ability to automate tasks and free up time for your staff. CRM’s such as HubSpot, Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics can all be programmed to send automated messages based on pre-determined rules. 

A good CRM will help you to leverage your contacts for direct email campaigns. You can easily set up automated, tailored email sequences for patients or referring physicians. From standard service communications to reminders for screening or procedures, having automated rules in place makes your team more efficient and means a better experience for your clients.  

Is your CRM optimised for your workflows?

We know that it can be hard to explain exactly what you need when you don’t understand what your software is even capable of doing! At Agility Digital we are dedicated to first learning everything we can about how your business works. Only once we understand your organisation and workflows can we recommend the best way forward. Whether that means implementing an entirely new CRM, or simple optimising the tools you already have, we will ensure your staff are trained to capitalise on the digital technology you have in place. 

If you would like to find out more about how having the right technology can help streamline your processes and improve patient & referral relations, please get in touch today. We’d love to find out more about your practice and discuss how we can help.  


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