10 ways that automation
can help your business

Manage client relationships more effectively
with smarter automation

This weeks blog focuses on 10 easy things you can do to speed up processes and make things easy around your practice, clinic or small business. This blog will also cover some of the tools and platforms Agility Digital use to help their customers grow their business online. 

1. scheduling

If you don’t have a way for clients to book meetings directly into your calendar, you’re missing out on revenue. Taking self-booked appointments can be done in a controlled way that works for you. We recommend Calendly for online scheduling. 

2. Drafting Documents

Imagine if your job included zero document preparation. The great news is there are many ways you can
now make the preparation of most documents quicker and more painless with document automation software. Creating documents like client letters, contracts, deeds, legal documents, and government forms. 

Talk to the Agility Digital team about what software would be right for your business. 

3. Team Communication 

Cutting down on emails between team members will improve your team’s communication and productivity…… like you would not believe. Team chat software like Slack will connect your firm across different teams, job titles and levels.

Hot tip: even if you’re a sole practitioner without employees you can use Slack to communicate with your contractors.

4. Team Meetings

Having a consistent team meeting structure is key to getting all your team members heading in the same direction. Set up the following meetings as recurring meetings in your calendar: annual strategy meeting (1 x per year), quarterly reviews (4 x per year), weekly progress meetings (1 x per week), and daily Huddles (1 x per day). 

Set a productive and fun agenda for each type of meeting and make sure they happen! 

Hot tip: If you’re a sole practitioner, schedule these check ins with yourself. 

5. Getting New Leads 

Most law firms, accounting practices and medical clinics  still don’t have a reliable way to turn their website visitors into leads. Make an interesting guide or checklist available for download on your website using an email marketing software like Mailchimp. 

Once downloaded, you’ve got a lead who could be interested in becoming a client – you can then build trust with them. 

Hot tip: write a series of emails to be sent after someone downloads your guide to build trust – include valuable data and case studies to show the results you get. Or talk to the Agility Digital team about having all of your marketing automation and lead nurturing taken care of. 

6. Client Engagement 

Manually sending out letters of engagement and costs agreements to clients is a thing of the past. Through a combination of document automation and client portal software, you can take the pain  away….and win back some time. 

Look at integrating a document automation software with a task-based client portal software for a winning combo. 

7. Collecting Information 

Getting clients to provide the info you need and then manually entering it into your business management system is way too labour intensive. 

Instead use online questionnaires to quickly collect data directly from your clients. Then feed that data into a practice management system  or a client portal software. 

Hot tip: be super clear about what you’re asking for when using online forms – how can you get valuable data from your clients. You can also use quoting calculators to automate the process from start to finish. 

8. Online Quoting 

Allow your potential clients to fill out questionnaire and calculation forms to determine their quote. This not only saves you time, but increases the likelihood of the customer going  through with your services because you were easy to work with . 

If you are interested in finding out how an online calculator can help you grow your business, get in touch with the Agilty Digital team today. 

9. Sending Emails 

Do you send almost identical emails to clients over and over again? Yep, been there. Instead of using email, use a task-based client portal software like Mailchimp to communicate with your clients and provide an amazing client experience. 

Still like email? Then set up email templates that auto-populate for the repetitive emails you send using a mail merge software. 

Hot tip: provide videos to your clients to give them instructions and explain their next steps – they love it. Plus you can use the videos again and again.

10. Nurturing Your Clients 

To drive revenue you need to be regularly communicating with existing clients. Don’t get stuck using the email marketing in your practice management system if it is rubbish (a lot of them are). 

Instead, take your client email addresses from your practice management system and put them into an easy to use email marketing software like HubSpot or Mailchimp. Send engaging emails regularly to clients to add value and get more repeat business. 

Hot tip: Talk to Agility Digital about having all of your marketing automation and campaigns managed for you under one system that acts as your own personal in-house agency.

Need help automating your business online? We help entrepreneurial business owners scale their operations online with minimal disruption and and full support from our team of digital experts. 

Book a Free 30-Min Consultation with our team and let’s discussing how Agility Digital can help grow your business 


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